Friday, January 26, 2007

Leading Lady

The question is whether you can become a leading lady. Eli Wallach's character in "The Holiday" tells a love-smitten Kate Winslet that she is acting like a good friend while she has the qualities of a leading lady. I thought of that line, the weight and meaning it holds. Gradually, without my noticing, I may be becoming a leading lady, even though I have spent most of my life playing the good friend, the so-called confidante.

However, we could also be arguing that the leading role is simply something other people see in you, but does not necessarily exist. This would mean that, if somebody tells you they believe in you, you would feel the power of their trust and might develop a potential that you do not have. In that case, you might become a leading lady, without the classic finesse of one. You would, rather, evolve into a leading lady. Can you really be something you are not a natural for? Can you be an excellent pianist just because you have worked for it, regardless of the amount of talent you have? Maybe you can, only that you will hardly excel at it.

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