Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Orlando: If I were a man...
Shelmerdine: You?
Orlando: I might choose not to risk my life for an uncertain cause. I might think that freedom won by death is not worth having. In fact...
Shelmerdine: You might choose not to be a real man at all. Say, if I were a woman...
Orlando: You?
Shelmerdine: I might choose not to sacrifice my life caring for my children, nor my children's children, nor to drown anonymously in the milk of female kindness, but instead, say, to go abroad. Would I then be...
Orlando: A real woman?


Fiamma said...

Ahh, la opción real-lesbian-woman no la menciona. Qué lástima, mire, vea.
Un beso

woolfian said...

No, es verdad. No la menciono, pero ¿hace falta, Tiere? Sería casi como escribirme.

No sé cuándo dejó usted su comentario, pero este blog lo he discontinuado hace bastante, volcándome a escribir tonterías en otro.

Sí sé que soy un poco freak, pero tarde o temprano una descubre que no está sola en Buenos Aires.