A few days ago, I felt like a train from Line 14 in the Paris Underground. I had no driver...
Sometimes, having no driver could be a positive thing, provided you arrive at your destination unharmed. Other times, having no driver leaves you yet more lonely, locked up in your little corner and complaining about the lack of opportunity, or explaining the absence of goals.
I'll remain without a driver for a little while now. Let life surprise me.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Some things are better worth letting machines memorize. After some intense internet prowling, I've decided to click on a link I'd like to remember, a movie I'd like to see sometime. It will never be released in my hometown probably, but thank G there's Amazon!
Imagine Me & You
Imagine Me & You
Saturday, November 26, 2005

It is snowing in Paris. Some would say it is a sign, of what? One thing is for sure, it will stop the cars from burning in banlieue areas.
I have to feel all right. Some things are changing. It does not have to do with facts, it has to do with possibilities, even if they cannot be used. I'm going through losses in this journey through life, and I guess I must let them be part of the flow that I cannot go with.
Will I come back to Paris soon? It is the first time I've had the feeling that I will not. And I might have closed a cycle. The fear lies in not opening a new one.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Well, it is raining now in Paris, after a beautiful day of quite nice autumn temperatures. I went walking around town, enjoying the holiday as much as possible and knowing it was short and appreciated. The classic Paris is there, with change that I would say is positive. People look more lively, and gay. Yes, I think the community has made Paris a city to live in. They can be seen a lot, men and women, looking trendy and happy, a melancholic leftover from those days when Paris was a moveable feast. It is midnight again, and I have to get up early in the morning to work tomorrow. Time for bed, and perhaps another post tomorrow
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Arrival in Paris, October 31 2005, Halloween (allo, gouine? in the local jargon) It is now midnight in full, and the Toussaint has begun. I am tired, jet-lagged, and somewhat happy to be in Paris. November is not the best month to be here if you are not a winter fan. They changed the time on Saturday and now it gets dark pretty soon for my taste. Anyway, I am growing into a grumpy old woman, remembering her winters and summers in a different Paris, where being a foreigner was a problem, but not particularly life threatening.
Going to bed in a little while, my hands on the keyboard, me in my pijamas, and a sea of sensations, deja-vus and, why not? happiness. Bon séjour!
Friday, October 14, 2005
There is a TOE that applies to me when I speak to her. I would re-call it TOEW (theory of everything wrong), which in fact is a theory of everything (or mostly everything) right. Sometimes as we go through life, we keep the same level of maturity in our connection to certain people that we had when we met them, even if years have gone by and we have grown out of our former age and interests at the time. Therefore, the same schemes are repeated, the same debates and endless discussions take place, to no avail, because nobody is ready to admit defeat, as we had never admitted defeat earlier in our period of human exchange. It's funny, as it would seem that we are not only one age related to how old we are, but we are different ages depending on who we are dealing with.
Friday, July 08, 2005

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
This is a late update on my weblog. I entered the page today after years of neglect on Blogger, only to be positively surprised with the almost ancient nature of the blog creation. While everybody was scarcely aware of the power of the Internet on our way of living and expressing ourselves, I was trying to put up a weblog myself with a very basic blogging tool at the time. I remember it could take me ages to upload the page, as we were in 2001 back then. Today, in 2005, Webloggers are a legion, Blogger is much more efficient and nice-looking, and I am happier.
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